Saturday, 9 September 2017

Buscador de Ángeles

Buscador de Ángeles

Cuenta la leyenda,
o así murmulla el fluir de los ríos,
que camina por la Tierra a ritmo de vals,
un buscador de ángeles.

Hay quien dice que niño,
hay quien piensa que artista,
hay quien observa al pescador de sueños.

Personaje fugado de un libro incompleto:
se abrió brecha entre las páginas,
aterrizando en un mundo que,
siendo el suyo,
no lo es.

Que son muy frías las noches,
que le hiere la dureza de sus días,
que ahoga su corazón la indiferencia…
él busca algo más.

Brilla luz en la mirada,
a través del oscuro paisaje de bruma,
sin apagarse el candil,
en eterna búsqueda de seres blancos,
etéreos, puros, reflejo
de quien se sabe,
pero no recuerda…

Nieve Andrea, Septiembre 2017

Sunday, 3 September 2017

Beyond, Souls Love

 Beyond, Souls Love

Conversation of eternity,
intertwining psyches just like snakes,
holding hands, that yin and that yang:

a shaman looking at another shaman,
beyond the armour,
beyond character, story and steed.

Recognising each other, no turning back…
I am another you.

Labels are not important,
(nor are their constant changes),
mere human roles in an absurd play.
Souls are still intact,
bonds, immortal,
without time nor space,
as they always were, are, and will be.

For all the tangos we didn’t dance,
(but we did dream),
for the smiles shared,
given, received,
cyclic energy in white-blue spirals,
and golden,
and fire-coloured.

For the celestial gratitude
when I see the smile on that winged heart,
the happy child,
as my soul overflows with love.

For the blue patches among the clouds
(a gift for you, seeker of the sun),
for the breezeless nights
(your eternal essence in my nose).

For those lycanthropic eyes under the full moon,
and those ethereal angel glances,
alchemy and divine Bach dreams,
fingers on keyboards from other times,
sap flowing through Gothic columns and arches…

For all those pasts, presents and futures
(some lived, some only dreamt),
whose virtue does not disappear,
even if memory casts them aside,
Even if emotion condemns them,
(out of pride, out of anger),
They always were, are and will be
And happiness… is eternal.

Nieve Andrea, August 2017